Sunday, November 2, 2008

VOTE!...but for who?

So as most of us know, Election Day is quickly approaching. We have all seen the advertisements for Obama and McCain, but my public relations side (my major) couldn’t help but think about these advertisements.

Times have changed…so it is time for a new campaigning strategy for Presidential candidates. You would think Obama would catch this because he wants you to vote for change (that was my stupid joke trying to make this blog funny). But in all seriousness, why not use more internet advertisements? Computer Mediated Communication works with a myriad of subjects, so why not the upcoming elections, and the ones in the future.

Recently, a main demographic for Presidential candidates is people between the ages of 18 and approximately 25. But, where is place to reach this age group? I think we all know this answer…facebook. We all have seen the little side advertisements, or gotten invitations to groups, so I think an effective way to reach young people is through these mediums. I have seen a few things here and there about voting…but not about a specific candidate.

On facebook, above the advertisements, a hyperlink gives a person all the information they could possibly want for advertising on facebook. There is pricing, sections for targeting certain demographics, content integration and etcetera. This is the perfect opportunity to get a Presidential candidates name out there to a certain key audience.

Overall, television commercials work for Presidential candidates for a certain crowd, but to reach a younger age group, a more planned advertising effort must come into play. And that is as simple as clicking a hyperlink!


Blaise said...

I also wondered why I have not seen the election being advertised more on the internet. I agree that Facebook would be the perfect spot to promote voting. I know some groups are created for each canidate but I think that if they themselves put an advertisment on Facebook it would be very effective.

SoggyOgyBoy said...

I know I saw a couple of "Vote November 4th" banners with Obama's face on them on facebook, but I agree. I actually saw, while playing NHL 2009, "Vote Tues" with Obama's face on it. I thought htat was hillarious and an excellentway to utiliza hobbies of our age range in his favor. But i do think that both canidates didn't use enough CMC to target our age range.