Sunday, October 5, 2008

Finding Happiness Online

More men then women find happiness online.

This is an article, found on, focuses on the results of an Australian pole of what makes men and women happy. It is human nature that men and women do not find the same things appealing, and according to this article, the internet makes men more happy then women.

The pole, called the “Happiness Index,” polled more than 8,500 Australians, ranging from age 18 to 64. According to the pole, most men and women found relaxation an enjoyable activity, and physical exercise less enjoyable. The pole also found that Australians find enjoyment on week-to-week basis, rather than possessions and achievements. They also find enjoyments from entertaining experiences and meaningful interactions with other people.

This leads to the online aspect of the happiness of men and women. Over half of the men poled stated that they find relaxation from surfing the web, playing online games, and using social networking sites such as facebook. Only 39% of women found happiness and relaxation in the internet. On the other hand, more than half of the women said they found happiness in having meals and spending time with their family.

An interesting aspect about this pole is that it debunked some of the stereotypes of men and women. It found that only 30% of women found happiness shopping online for clothes and shoes.

As discussed on the first day of class, 60 million Americans have used the internet to help them with something major in their life. This statistic and the article previously discussed displays how much people rely on the internet. If it is just a relaxing hobby, or making a major life decision, the internet plays a major role in people’s lives.


Candace said...

It's interesting to see how slowly but surely the internet taking over people's lives. It is kind if disturbing to see that men find so much more pleasure from the internet than they do from personal interaction. I'm actually not surprised that women do not find most of their pleasure from the internet because we love personal attention and interaction.

jbeaudry said...

It is amazing how the internet is taking over people's lives and it is going to get much worse down the line. It was shocking to see that men like the internet more than women. I would of never guessed that. But, it is also clear that women like to talk about their feelings a lot more that men so it makes sense that women don't have that many pleasures on the internet than men do.

jenn said...

It is amazing how the internet is taking over people's lives and it is going to get much worse down the line. It was shocking to see that men like the internet more than women. I would of never guessed that. But, it is also clear that women like to talk about their feelings a lot more that men so it makes sense that women don't have that many pleasures on the internet than men do.