Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Facebook Song

One boring night this past summer, I was searching videos on you tube…I know, I’m so cool. But, I came across a couple videos of these guys named Rhett and Link. I watched some videos on you tube and noticed a in the corner, so naturally I typed in their web address…and then I found the facebook song.

These two men, who I presume are in their late twenties, possibly married, make videos for their website and you tube for a living. One of the most famous videos is the facebook song, which is primarily about the anti-social aspects of online networking. The chorus consists of the line “Facebook, facebook, facebook, I’m hooked on Facebook.” I think this main chorus portrays many attitudes of facebookers. They are simply hooked. This can relate back to the electronic fast a few weeks ago in that most of the class realized they were hooked on facebook, and I’ll admit that I am hooked as well.

The rest of the song is mainly about two average men that live their lives on facebook. The song goes over every aspect of facebook, from friend requests, to photos, to groups, each with comedic clips and lyrics. A main part that I noticed is lyrics about before facebook, friendship was tough, and we actually had to be in people’s presence. This just sticks out to me because there are people that feel like this. Occasionally, I don’t want to say something to someone’s face, so I text them or IM them. It is just easier than talking to someone to his or her face.

The song goes on to what would happen if a server was down or facebook was deleted. Rhett and Link make it humorous by saying they would go outside with a picture of themselves and a sheet of info and stand on the street, but I can’t imagine what it would be like without social networking. The social networking world, as well as all electronic communication, has become the backbone of society. People depend on it for everything. From just plain communication, shopping, advertising, scheduling, to even relationships.

I can't really tell if Rhett and Link are just making a funny video about facebook, or if they are actually telling us a message. A message that implies that facebook is taking over our social skills or that we can't rely on it too much because who knows when it won't be here anymore. But I have to admit that after watching this video, I checked my facebook, and added Rhett and Link as friends.

To watch the video, go to and hoover over the pictures next to the video screen and click on the facebook song tab. Tell me what you think.


Tiff said...
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Tiff said...

I definitely agree with you about being hooked to facebook. Many, including me,try to ignore how much we need facebook, but its true, facebook is taking over our social lives.
You feel ike you always have to get the latest scoop on who wrote on your wall, whose in a relationship, what new photos have been put up etc.,I'm embarassed to admit I'm obsessed. That I spend so much time seeing what other people are doing with their lives and less concerned what I'm doing with mine. I definitely think that "The Facebook Song" could be a message to all of us facebookers.

SoggyOgyBoy said...

Deleting comments eh, rather suspecious..anyways i agree with you're post. Social networking via the internet has become way too much apart of our lives. But i mean for every pro is a con, so call me the devils advocate but i think it has opened me to more friends in the sense that it is a very informal way to become introduced to someone before seeing them again. call me crazy but never late for dinner. Being shy to begin with, i think it helps some people feel more comefortable confronting people and saying hello when they normally wouldnt. Mini feed is a bit creepy though. i went on and i think we should pose like lionel richie from now on.

Marisa said...

I definitely agree with Tiff. I saw this song earlier in the year and it made me laugh. But the sad part about it was that it described me! I, like Tiff, am embarrassed to admit that I am obsessed. The assignment we had ealier in the year with no facebook was a real challenge for me. However I wonder, if after I graduate college and become a big girl and go out into the real world, will I still be hooked on facebook as much? I don't think I will, but only time can tell...